This post is a collection of links collected overtime for reference, its mostly about rendering. Hopefully it can be useful to someone else :).
PS : More link will be added in the future.
Equation writter and doc (use $$ to start an equation)
GPU benchmarkCPU benchmark
Renderdoc (DX11 debugger)
GRemedy (Opengl debugger)
Indexed file search
Disk space visualizer
Text editors color schemes
Gaussian kernel calculator
Mercurial timelapse view
A programming language for Visualisation
Chart/Diagram web app
Regular expression nice tool
A very good review of existing blogs/forumc0de517e Blog
Diary Of A Graphics Programmer
Sebastien Lagarde blog
The ryg blog
Beyond3D blog
Casual-effects blog
Filmicworlds blog
Filmicgames blog
RememberMe rendering
RememberMe rendering 2
Simon Tech Blog
Paper collections
Siggraph advanced rendering course 2018
Siggraph advanced rendering course 2017
Siggraph advanced rendering course 2016
Siggraph advanced rendering course 2015
Kesen Siggraph/i3d/Eurographics/etc links (huge collections)Siggraph advanced rendering course 2017
Siggraph advanced rendering course 2016
Siggraph advanced rendering course 2015
Stephen Hill Siggraph 2018 links
Stephen Hill Siggraph 2017 links
Stephen Hill Siggraph 2016 links
Stephen Hill Siggraph 2015 links
Stephen Hill Siggraph 2014 links
Stephen Hill Siggraph 2013 links
Stephen Hill Siggraph 2012 links
HPG 2018
Jare GDC 2014 links
Jare GDC 2013 links
Humus papers
Dice papers
Square-Enix papers
Michal Valient papers
AMD Papers
Crytek papers
Magnus Wrenninge (volume rendering) papers
Blur comparison by intel
Eurographics 2016
Free paper search engine
Realtime rendering the redux bookGraphicGems books
GpuPro books
Realtimerendering book
Raytracing (in a weekend, the next week, the rest of your life)
Physically Based Rendering:From Theory To Implementation
Ray Tracing gems
Immersive Math : interactive online book
Deep Learning / Machine Learning
Deep Neural Network From youtube channel
The 9 DL network you need to know about
Open Image Denoiser (OIDN)
General video course
Backpropagation explained
Overview of gradient descent optimization algorithm
Shallow ML for everyday programming (GDC2019)
Dimensionality reduction
How NN understand images
Color palettes for data
Google dataset search
Understanding CNN with visualizations
State-of-the-Art Survey (January 2019)
Deep learning note from Andrew NG Course
Guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning
Synthetic data to train D: A review
Neurips 2020
Deep Learning optimisation
Discreet FFT for 3x3 convolution paperImplementing Strassen’s Algorithm with CUTLASS on NVIDIA Volta GPUs
SGEMM optimized at assembly level on Maxwell hardware
The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks
Shader libraries
ShadertoyGeexlab code_samples
Glsl sandbox
Inigo quilez math tutorialsFrustum planes from the projection matrix
Math tutorials
2d Interpolations
Barycentric tetrahedrons interpolation
Color conversion
Color conversion 2
Stupid Spherical Harmonics tricks
Bicubic upscaler
Fast tonemapping/inverse tonemapping
Fast tonemapping/inverse tonemapping v2
Oblique projection matrices
Oblique projection matrices in Unity
Efficient depth linearization of oblique projection matrices
Good write up on SH
Point on hemisphere computed in shaders code
Building an orthonormal basis
Building an orthonormal basis with improved accuracy
A Collection of math formula for GI
Deringing spherical harmonics
SH visualization
Even faster math functions
The matrix cookbook (including derivatives)
Vector, Matrix and Tensor derivative
OpenGL specificationCgTutorial Book
Yaldex opengl reference
Matrix transformations explained
DX9 hacks
DX9 Half pixel offset explained
DX9 Half pixel offset explained 2
DX ShaderModel asm reference
DX12 video from microsoft
DX12, Vulcan, etc
Vulcan example
DX11 hacks
DX11.3 Specification
DX12 Specification
OpenCL 1.2 specs
OpenCL 1.2 ref
OpenCL 1.2 quick ref card
OpenCL 2.0 specs
OpenCL 2.0 C specs
OpenCL 2.0 ref
OpenCL 2.0 quick ref card
Intel checklist for OpenCL optimizations
OpenCL AMD optimizations guides and also
Realtime ray tracing
RTX on battlefield V (GDC2019)
RTX in metro exodus (GDC2019)
RTX Ray traced water caustics (GDC2019)
NVidia compute shader optimCuda bank conflict optim
Low level gpu doc
AMD GCN performance hints
Shader optimization
Shader optimization2 (GCN/DX11)
Optimal grid rendering
Depth Upsampling
Math lib for GCN: ShaderFastLib
GPU Scalarization
ZBuffer precisionUnit vectors encoding
Normals encoding
Get rid of tangent and binormal
BCN formats explained
Normal mal blending
Tightening the Precision of Perspective Rendering
Tiled/clustered lighting
Light indexed deferred renderingTiled shading
Clustered shading
Practical Clustered Shading
Practical Clustered 2013
Nvidia tiled demo (see download links)
Tiled based rendering
Tiled based rendering & Deferred
Improved culling for tiled and clustered rendering
Dual paraboloidDual paraboloid 2
Nvidia PCSS
Shadow acne/filtering
Shadow acne 2 (normal offset)
Shadow technics
Shadow technics2
AMD ShadowFX
RealtimeShadows the book
Soft shadow from spherical harmonics
A good collection of links
Adaptive depth bias
Playing with realtime shadow Crytec
Beyond MSM
Improved MSM (soft shadows and scattering)
A scalable real-time many-light shadowing system
Global illumination
Voxel cone tracingLight Probe Interpolation Using Tetrahedral
GI on the cloud
Lightmap compression on metal
Packing lightmap
Spherical harmonic lighting
Various link on ray tracing
Correlated Multi-Jittered sampling
Overview of sampling techniques
Overview of antialiasingSiggraph course
Temporal antialiasing
TAA jitter pattern
Spec antialias : LEAN mapping
Spec antialias : mipmapping normal maps
Spec antialiasing methods
Text antialiasing
Checkboard rendering explained
Dashed line antialiasing
Cubemap/Images Effects
Parallax corrected cubemapIBL and Parallax correct cubemap
Envmap lighting
Being more wrong parallax corrected
SSLR implementation from GPU Pro 5
Removing banding (p122)
SSRR interleaved
PostFX in bounds
Auto exposure
SSLR in kill zone 2
Physically Based Rendering
Minute Physics: Linear color spaceMaths of PBR
Understanding the shading shadow function
Specular brdf reference
Bioshock PBR
Unity PBR
Moving frostbyte to PBR
Specular occlusion hack
Specular occlusion hack v2 p77 listing 26
History of the RGB color model
Horizon based specular occlusion
Separable Subsurface scattering (skin)
Fast subsurface scattering approx by Pixar
Good tutorial
GGX for half/medium
PBR Encyclopedia
Allegorithmic PBR guide vol. 1
Google filament renderer
Painterly & non realistic rendering
Gloss Perception in Painterly and Cartoon RenderingPainterly Rendering with Curved Brush Strokes of Multiple Sizes
Customizing Painterly Rendering Styles Using Stroke Processes
Paint by relaxation
Abstract Painting with Interactive Control of Perceptual Entropy
Gpu image flow
Stable dithering in return of the Obra Dinn
Fluid Simulation
Intel fluid simulationIntel fluid simulation 2
Fluidic code repository
Fluid simulation for dummies
LockfreeData oriented design
GPU Driven pipeline
Rainbow6 SiegeUbi GPU Pipe
Ubi GPU Pipe 2
A survey of tesselation technicsGPU Voxelisation
Summed area table
Parallel reduction
Parallel reduction 2
GPU Sorting
Compute shader pipe explained 1
Compute shader pipe explained 2
Compute shader pipe explained 3
Realtime ray tracing
NVidia intro to real raytracingEffectively integrating rtx ray tracing for realtime
Texture Level-of-Detail Strategies for Real-Time Ray Tracing
Color spaces
Color interpolation in various spacesGLSL Shader code to convert color from various space
Color for Graphics Programmers
Volume & scattering
Debugging optimized code in VS studio 2012 and upRendering of insight
Coding pirates material with Unity
Skin shading
Parallax occlusion mapping
White Noise in GLSL
High quality capture of eyes
Eye rendering
A tour of the graphics pipeline
Double VS tripple buffering android
How to bake normal maps for unity